The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
— Lao Tzo

All photography provided by Sun Lodge Farms Inc.

Since 2008, we have been working tirelessly to create the vision of Sun Lodge Farms. Every day we move one step closer. In October of 2014 we secured the 472 acres necessary to host the three integrated communities and have since then been planning, designing and implementing the next steps. We invite you to be a part of this wonderful place. Please contact us for more information.

Our Vision

We will be a lifelong living community farm that empowers our residents to live with happiness and purpose. The living conditions will be spacious and clean and will blend with the beauty of the surrounding environment. Everywhere you look there will be growth and kinship.

Our Mission

We are a premier lifelong living community farm for people with special needs. We work together in community with 50+ active seniors and young agrarians through cooperation and co-creation. We form an active economy for the residents and the local area. This is achieved through a self-sustaining social enterprise that employs people from numerous disciplines, trades and skill sets. We ensure that care is available for all our residents that need it. We welcome visitors and anyone who wishes to volunteer their time, unique talent, or treasures.

Our Values

Caring, community and cooperation are the core values of Sun Lodge Farms. We are a social enterprise that treats our residents and land with respect and dignity. We believe each of our three communities has unique gifts to share for the common good of both Sun Lodge Farms and the world we live in.

Sun Lodge Farms is a dream come true for my son and for myself.
— Janet Royko, Resident and Janet's Bean Plot Blogger

What We've Achieved

  • 2008-2010: Initial discussions and completion of planning document.
  • 2011: Expanded plan to include people with special needs.
  • 2012: Began search for property to fulfill the needs of the social enterprise.
  • 2013: Found the 472 acres and began task of raising funds for purchase.
  • 2014: Secured 472 acres and started the process of rehabilitation.
  • 2015 - January: Began assembling the initial advisory team for fulfillment of Vision.
  • 2015 - April/May: Full marketing plan developed.
  • 2015 - June: Launch of our website and our first donation-based crowdfunding campaign.

2016 - June: A partnership in principle was formed between the Asia, Sun Lodge Farms, and the Ktunaxa First Nations.

Sun Lodge Farms is a living, breathing idea that is open to change. We are continuing to increase our momentum as projects become more defined.