Sun Lodge Farms has many projects that it will be tackling. Below is a listing of what's coming up...


Clear Title

Not exactly a 'project', but our first necessity. We would like to clear title as soon as possible to ensure a permanent future for all the residents.

Central Lodge

The Central Lodge is our primary project at this time. This beautiful building is in need of numerous repairs and rehabilitation in order to bring it up to the level required for administration, the safe hosting of visitors, and a gathering place for residents to share. As the saying goes, "If you build it, they will come."


Fencing Removal and Redesign

Safety is a priority at Sun Lodge Farms. As a result we are in the process of removing all the barbed wire from the farm and will be replacing it with people-and-animal-friendly fencing. This will not only be safer for visitors and residents, as well as livestock, but will also be esthetically pleasing.

Removing Dangerous Debris

Throughout the property are fallen fences, building and metal debris that must be collected and removed for the safety of visitors, livestock and the three communities that will be living at Sun Lodge Farms.


Protecting sacred spaces

Sun Lodge Farms has many sacred spaces, from the Lone Tree and the Pond, to Resting Groves and isolated Yew Trees. Finding these spaces, enhancing each one, and protecting them for visitors to enjoy, is a labour of love we have eagerly added to our list of projects.

Equine Therapy

Sun Lodge Farms will be developing an Equine Therapy program for our residents and visitors. The pastures are already in place where the stables will be located.  Horseback riding trails exist and will be expanded, plus an open riding arena will be built.


Nakusp and area is well known as a health and wellness destination. Recognizing this, Sun Lodge Farms plans to host and facilitate spiritual, motivational, health, and wellness retreats, as well as mindfulness-based intensives, and corporate getaways.