Be the change you want to see in the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi

We are continuing to reach out for volunteers, corporate sponsors and associates, as well as people willing to donate funds to the programs and projects we are creating together.  This is a very important social enterprise. We are in the initial stages, and it takes many dedicated and committed people to make it become a reality.

Sun Lodge Farms is important for our society. Each of the three communities that live here will have very specific needs and skills, and will ultimately complement one another. Together, by working in harmony and support, each individual will find their own sense of fulfillment and reward. The benefits expand far beyond this valley. We expect to redefine the concept of a caring environment and change the dynamics of numerous families caring for those with special needs.

At the Sun Lodge Farm water source, Claudia Mang and her father, Dave, explain to us the water flow process and plans, as well as her choice to actively participate on the Farm, now and in the future.

Here is how you can help

Do you have a skill or business that could contribute to the building of this social enterprise? Contact us and let's discuss the details of your involvement. We want to engage with you and start the conversation.

We are eager to involve you!

Several businesses, both local and throughout Western Canada, have begun the process of commitment and have let us know that Sun Lodge Farms deserves their specific focus, skills and monetary support.

A socially responsible enterprise of this kind needs financial support. In these early stages, prior to the development of revenue-generating programs and projects at the farm, we have decided to reach out to everyone we know, show them what we are doing, and ask them to inform everyone they know that this project exists and it is real.

Dennis Bruneau introduces us to one of the many sacred places at Sun Lodge Farms.

We want you and everyone you know to see and hear about the three communities being formed in cooperation at Sun Lodge Farms. You are welcome to contact us to request a full guided tour. We are working diligently with each of the communities to create a place that works to the maximum benefit of the whole, and we commit to everyone who donates funds to our projects that we will always be responsible with the monies raised.

The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.
— Robert F. Kennedy