The 50+ Active Seniors Community

Many seniors today are lonely and living in isolation, and many others have housing needs. The senior population is expected to be at its highest recorded number ever within the next decade. With many seniors in a position of near poverty, it is desirable for them to have an economical place to live where their considerable wisdom and various talents and skills can be offered and shared with dignity.

As a 50+ semi-retirement living community at Sun Lodge Farms, the residents will have opportunities to volunteer and help within the larger community as a whole, as well as live independently in their own sustainably-built home. This positive environment will offer them an active lifestyle on the farm, allow them to contribute to the local economy, and share their knowledge with those who need it most.

Janet Royko takes us on a journey to the Pond and explains the plans for its expansion and greenhouses.

Some of the seniors may be the parents of those with special needs who are living at the farm. Some may also be farmers, contributing to their own food requirements as well as the surrounding area. There will be work opportunities at the farm in administration, home care, support services, maintenance, security and much more. Whatever the choice or decision, living at Sun Lodge Farms offers an expanded and affordable option to those who see themselves contributing and participating in this co-creative endeavour.